Welcome to Boris D's Neocities Website!

Putting fun back into the internet!

Things I enjoy: reading books, writing poetry, piano, film photography, amateur radio, hot rodding vintage cars.

The loudest AM radio station on the internet.  Really.
This is my experimental AM broadcast station using a CBS Volumax 4300 *LOUD* audio processor/peak limiter from the 1970's top 40 era (remember WABC, CHUM, CKLW, etc.)

Original 1970s aggressive on-air sound using real electron tube amplifiers, 11kHz preemphasis, Gates Sta-Level audio compressor, CBS VOLUMAX 4300 audio peak limiter.  It doesn't matter how many watts you have, it's the peak to average ratio of the waveform and the time constants used that make the sound!


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"Don't be an internet consumer, be an internet CREATOR!"

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